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Theodore S. Lindsey

EECS 448 Lab (S'15)

Office Hours

Monday 11-12
Friday 10-11


LaTeX source for labs

Other Resources

screen (ssh tool) tutorial
X-forwarding on windows (with putty and xming)
Git referance
GUI git clients

Late Submissions Policy

I don't accept late homework unless you have a health, family, etc emergency. Because homework in this class can be submitted via email, if you are unable to make it to class, I still expect that you turn it in on time. Just plan accordingly to make sure you email it before it's due.

Grading Policy

Each lab writeup is due at the end of the lab the following week. Each lab is worth 10 points and there will be a total of 10 labs for a total of 100 points. Letter grades will be based on the standard 10% grading scale. Your running total will be visible in the grade center on blackboard as each lab is graded.