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Theodore S. Lindsey

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Graceful page widening in Obsidian


I’ve been trying to find a graceful way to widen the content in Obsidian when I give it more space. I’d previously tried using a custom CSS class that I could apply to pages and it would set a larger value for --file-line-width, but when I shrunk the pane size, I was still stuck with this larger size. I also didn’t like that I had to manual set this class on each page I wanted larger.

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Site Revitalization


I guess I’ve left this site dormant for quite a while. I did a tiny styling update back towards the beginning of 2023 and then added the full page color comparison applet towards the beginning of 2024 — after a hiatus since essentially 2016 — but I didn’t really have a vision for what I was doing with the site anymore.

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No-Wrap Specific Columns in Obsidian


I have a few tables in Obsidian for which I’d like to specify certain columns to be no-wrap. I’d solved it initially by wrapping long text in those columns with <nobr><\nobr>. Technically I suppose that works, but between nobr being deprecated and that approach requiring wrapping each spot of long text manually, I’ve added the following CSS to my general.css file:

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2024's Books


This year I read 44 books. My favorite books from this year were:

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2023's Books


This year I read 20 books. My favorite books from this year were:

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